Bachmann Knot
Bachmann knot is a friction hitch that grips the rope and provides support in climbing. The need for a round cross-sectioned carabiner to tie the knot visually differentiates it from the Prusik knot. Though it does not really matter whether the carabiner is locking or not, a locking one is preferable as you can grab it to move the hitch.
How to Tie a Bachmann Knot
First, make a loop with a length of rope (no more thick than half the diameter of the main line) tied with the help of a double fisherman’s knot. Clip the sling to a carabiner before locking it off.
- The use of the carabiner helps in the easy movement of the hitch, especially if you are wearing gloves.
- Functions similar to the Klemheist knot in the sense that it works when pulled only in one direction and the weight should always be applied downwards.
- To undo the knot, unclip the top loop, hold on to the carabiner and free the cord by pulling.
- Never incorporate the double fisherman’s section of the loop into the wraps of the knot lest it decreases its effectiveness.
- Never grip the carabiner to apply load as it can result in slipping.
- By climbers, arborists.
- Serves as a backup for hoisting up a casualty by the aid of a pulley system.
- Emergency ascending of a rope.
- Advantageous when the friction hitch needs to be replaced often or urgently or when it is required to be self-tending as in crevasse and self-rescue operations.
Steps to Tying a Bachmann Knot
- Place a thin loop below a thick rope and pass an end through the carabiner
- Wrap it around and pass it through one more time
- Bring the knotted end of the loop out through the carabiner
- Pull tightly to fix the carabiner against the thick rope