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Poacher’s Knot

Poacher’s Knot

The poacher’s knot forms an adjustable loop and is also known by the names strangle snare and double overhand noose since it is nothing but a double overhand knot around a bight of rope. It is a strong knot that is mainly used for binding a rope to an object. A specialty of the knot is that it can be tied in very slippery ropes such as those made out of Dyneema and Spectra. You can also use a stronger alternative, the triple overhand noose or scaffold knot for them. The bowline and other common loop knots are not effective with these ropes and may pull undone at loads that are as light as 15-20% of the rope’s breaking strain. It owes its name to its historical use by poachers to catch birds and other small game.

How to Tie a Poacher’s Knot

How to Tie a Poacher’s Knot


  1. Avoid the common mistake of making just one turn around the standing part. It makes an ordinary overhand knot that is not as secure.
  2. If you are left with sufficient tag end after making the knot, you can tie a stopper knot for added security.
  • Has a tendency to jam under load and become difficult to untie


  1. Making a simple snare since the loop constricts when it is loaded.
  2. It can be used as a hitch itself or as a part of other hitches (e.g. Distel hitch) to connect a rope to a carabiner.
  3. For tying a foot loop to a hand ascender.


How to Tie a Distel Hitch Step by Step

  1. Wrap the tag end around a bight of rope
  2. Wrap it once again
  3. Take it up
  4. Pass it through the 2 loops
  5. Pull both ends to tighten
  6. The knot is made

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